Sundays at 8:30AM | 10AM | 11:30AM
How do I build my faith?
This is part 2 of "Built Different," our series at Fusion Christian Church about how Christians are different from the world and how we should act because of that. In this sermon, Pastor Zac finishes teaching through the book of Jude and we continue to learn how to build our faith. He begins with teaching what the result of bad building is.
What does it look like when I build the wrong way?
Here are 7 characteristics of a person who has built the wrong way: grumbling, boasting, manipulating, scoffing, self-centeredness, divisiveness, and lack of the Holy Spirit. Are you guilty of any of these? If so, examine your life and make sure you have been building it on Jesus and not your own desires. Christians should not look like this, so what do we do to look different?
How should you build?
There are several ways to build our lives based on what Jude says. We build our faith; pray in the Spirit; keep ourselves in God's love; and plunder hell to populate heaven.
Build your faith.
Our faith will not magically build itself! We must intentionally build our faith by doing the things Jesus commanded of us.
Pray in the Spirit.
Praying in the Spirit is sometimes made too complicated for believers. What it primarily means is to pray that God's will be done. When we pray for God's will to be done, it helps align our hearts with God's.
Keep yourself in God's love.
Love is a choice, not a feeling. If you base your love on feelings, it will collapse. Love is a commitment that we must stick to even when we don't feel like it. To love God, we must try to keep his commands even when we don't want to.
Plunder hell to populate heaven.
Among God's commands is to evangelize to those who are in danger of the fire of God's judgment. Our job is to pull people from the jaws of hell and bring them to God. One of the best ways to grow our own faith is to share it with others.
Choose one thing you can do to start building your faith.
In a final word of practical advice, choose one small area to start in. Don't try to tackle too many things at once, but instead pick one small thing that you can do first.