Sundays at 8:30AM | 10AM | 11:30AM
Three Goals That Will Transform Your Life
"Dream Big" is our series to kick off 2025 at Fusion Christian Church where we look to set godly goals. In this message, Pastor Zac lays out three biblical goals which we should all set for ourselves.
Make it Your Goal to Grow Closer to God
The first of our three goals is to grow closer to God. If you don't aim at it, you won't hit it! Aim to grow closer to God and make an effort to do so. God created you, so his plan for your life is better than yours. Getting closer to God gets you where you need to go. Growing with him also leads to a life of significance. Here are several ways you can grow closer to God:
- Turn from sin and turn toward God.
- Read and memorize your bible
- Never stop praying
- Be a faithful member of God's house
Make it Your Goal to Love Your Friends and Family More
Just as with God, you need to put effort into your relationships with other people if you want them to succeed. You must aim at better relationships by putting in the effort! Here are a few ways to improve your relationships:
- Tell your friends and family you love them and why they matter
- Set punch-out and punch-in times (Make time for the people you care about!)
- Take care of yourself physically and spiritually
- Get your finances in order and be generous (Nobody likes a moocher!)
Make it Your Goal to Excel at Your Work
In all things, Christians are called to work "as unto the Lord." The work that you do, whether good or ill, is a reflection of your character. As a Christian, your character is an example of Christ. Decide that you are going to do good work so that you represent Christ well.