Father Forgive Them

This is part 1 of "Last Words," our sermon series at Fusion Christian Church where we examine the final seven sayings of Jesus before he died. What is the significance of Jesus' last words? As we look forward to Easter, it's time to reflect on our Savior's final moments on the cross. In this sermon we examine his prayer, "Father, forgive them," and ask: why did Jesus pray this?

To show you that Jesus is the promised Messiah.

The most important question you must wrestle with is whether or not Jesus Christ is the Son of God. To help you find that answer, Jesus fulfilled prophecy on the cross to show that he was from God. Demonstrating the divine character of his mission on earth, Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies. Several of these prophecies indicate that he was not just a human man, but also the Son of God. By praying for those who had wronged him, he demonstrated the intercession he would make for sinners.

To show you the power of prayer.

In praying for the very people who had put Jesus on the cross, Jesus demonstrated how powerful prayer can be. While he was still on the cross, the thief beside him came to believe that Jesus was the messiah, and a Roman soldier who crucified him exlaimed, "Truly this man was the Son of God!" Jesus' prayer produced immediate effects, and from that we learn to never stop praying for others. Though Jesus was beaten down and exhausted, he still prayed for others. Though the thief on his side seemed hopeless, it was not too late for him to be saved.

To show you your need for a mediator.

Finally, Jesus came and died so that he could act as mediator between God and men. Without Jesus, we would be hopeless in our efforts to reach God. Through Jesus and him only can we be reconciled to God.

Decide for yourself: Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?

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