When Life Buries You

This is part 3 of "God With Us," our series at Fusion Christian Church where we examine what it means for God to be present with his people through Jesus Christ. In this message, Pastor Zac teaches us that God is with us when we feel overwhelmed. When we are overwhelmed, we should remember God has a greater plan. When you feel like you are being buried, think of how you are being planted.

Jesus is the seed of salvation

The first thing to know is that Jesus was the chosen seed of Abraham to bring salvation to all of us. Like a seed, he was buried in death so that he could be raised to life. This opens a door for us to undergo the same process.

Bury your old life to be planted in Christ

Because Jesus died and rose again, we too can be raised to new life if only we will bury the old life. Baptism is a symbol of this death and rebirth. When we are baptized, we are "buried" in the waters and rise again as a new creation.

To be planted in Christ means you die daily so you can live daily

Jesus said that we must take up our cross every day. The battle with sin is real and constant. We must die to sin every day in order to have victory over it.

What happens when you're planted in Christ?

Your whole life should change when you become planted in Jesus. We leave sin and loneliness behind us as we grow. Bearing fruit becomes normal for us when we plant ourselves. As we grow, we begin acting and speaking in a life-giving way. Finally, when we are planted, we will glorify God and God will honor us in return. How can you make sure you are planted in Christ?

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