Sundays at 8:30AM | 10AM | 11:30AM
In the Good and Dark Times
This is part 1 of "God With Us," our series at Fusion Christian Church where we examine what it means for God to be present with his people through Jesus Christ. In this message, Pastor Zac teaches us that God is with us through both good times and dark times.
God is with you in the good times
The most important thing to do when we are in good times is to remember the God who brought us here. It's easy to forget about God when things are going well, but remembering God lets us show him gratitude. We also should learn that good times are not for us, but for us to give glory to God. In the good times, we should say: "I didn't get here on my own, God was with me." We most often forget God when everything is going well. Try to avoid falling into that trap!
God is with you in the dark times
Jesus came as our Emmanuel, which means "God with us." When he came down and took on humanity, he took on our weaknesses as well. We do not have a God who is distant, but one who walked through the trials of a human life. Because of that, he is able to comfort us through our own trials. What should you do to help you through the dark times?
Get your strength from God
God's power is made perfect in our weakness. When we feel weak, we must rely on him for strength. Let him restore you.
Fix your mind on God
Your focus sets your course. If we set our eyes, our minds, and our hearts on God, we will be able to endure through all sorts of trials and obstacles. How can you focus on God throughout your week?