Sundays at 8:30AM | 10AM | 11:30AM
You Matter
This is part 1 of our sermon series, "Relationships on Lock," at Fusion Christian Church. In this series, we discuss the importance of relationships and how to create and maintain healthy ones. Here, Pastor Zac teaches us that the first place we should look to improve our relationships is at ourselves.
Strong relationships lead to a stronger and more meaningful life.
In case some people doubt the value of relationships, it is important to recognize that no one is meant to live life alone. Everything in your life will rise and fall on the relationships that you keep and the relationships that you don't. If relationships are so important, then we must learn to improve them.
To get your relationships on lock, you must first look at yourself.
Wherever you go, you take you with you! This means that if you consistently have problems with your relationships, the most likely source is yourself. If we are the problem, how can we change?
You must let Christ change you.
We lack the power to make true and lasting change in ourselves. Turning to Christ for help will lead us to success. The way to let Christ change us is to ask him work on us. What happens when we let Christ change us?
You become a new creation.
When a person accepts Christ, they become a new creation. The Holy Spirit comes to dwell inside the believer and transforms them from the inside. In order to make lasting change for the better, pray to God that the Holy Spirit would mold you to become more like Christ.
You become a child of God.
Regardless of your family situation, when you are united with Christ you become a child of the King. You are adopted into the family of God and you gain a new family: the church. This means you have the benefit of gaining new relationships that can help strengthen you and provide deeper meaning for your life.
You are loved and accepted.
God loves you, and when you accept Christ, you allow that love to change you. Because God loves us, we then are able to love others. This is the most central method for improving our relationships: the love of God working through us.