A Heart for the House Builds the House

This is Part 5 of "Heart for the House," our series at Fusion Christian Church on growing and maintaining a heart that is passionate about God's people, the church. In this message, Pastor Zac teaches about the importance of building a place of worship by examining how it was done in the bible. He also makes an important announcement about future plans for Fusion Christian Church.

As our church looks forward to purchasing a building, getting ready for that significant cost must be a priority for us. This sermon follows two stories in scripture about the construction of God's house and the lessons we learn from them. To begin, we ask the question: what does it take to get ready?

To build the house, we must give from the heart.

The first story is the building of the tabernacle of Moses. In this story, we see that God's people offer their own treasures to the building of God's house. God tells Moses to collect whatever is on the heart of the people to give, and they give so much that Moses has to stop collecting donations. God had richly provided for the Israelites when they left Egypt, and the people gave those riches right back to God for the building of His house.

To build the house, we must give creatively.

Some of the things given by the people may seem odd to us, but there is more which we can offer to God than a lump sum. Other material possessions can be offered to God as well, and God can use what we offer Him.

To build the house, we must give willingly from what we have.

It is not for us to demand from God's people, but it is more blessed to give than to receive. God desires that we choose to give out of love for Him and His house. We should desire to give, not do so merely out of obligation.

To build the house, we must also give of our God-given skill.

Just as described when Moses built the tabernacle, many skilled workers from God's people contributed to the construction. What skills do you have that can help?

To build the house, we must give as an example to others.

David set the example for his people by giving his personal treasury and asking the people to do likewise. David knew that if he could not build the house, it was his job to ensure the project was ready for his son to carry out. How can you set an example with your generosity?

To build the house, we give to the Lord.

Ultimately, if God is not involved, our plans will fail. We must remember to keep God at the center at all times.

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